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In the current context of high environmental degradation and bad living conditions for a large part of the population around the world, there is a great need to develop projects and research with a focus on sustainability. For this reason, LeNSin has emerged the International Learning Network on Sustainability, a project that is spreading around the globe with the aim of forming a new generation of designers and educators who can contribute to the transition to a sustainable society focusing on the models of Distributed Economy and Product-Service System. The purpose of this document is to present the process of implementation of the LeNS project in the Amazon region, specifically at the Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA - Pará State University) presenting the challenges faced, the solutions found, as well as the results achieved so far and perspectives for the future.

Authors: Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite, Alayna de Cássia Moreira Navegantes, Antonio Erlindo Braga Jr.


Published in Presentations